Governance and Ethics

SIMEST organizational structure

The Board of Directors guides and directs the activities of SIMEST with the support of the corporate bodies, including the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Supervisory Bod and the Director of the Court of Auditors.

The Management Team defines and implements operational plans, using the stimuli that emerged from daily work to implement projects and ideas.


Board of Directors


Board of Statutory Auditors


Trade Union Supervisory Body


Chief Executive Officer of the Court of Auditors


Management team

Board of Directors


Pasquale Salzano

Pasquale Salzano has been Chairman of SIMEST SpA and Director of European and International Affairs of  Cassa Depositi e Prestiti since December 2019. From November 2020 to November 2021 he was President of  the CDP Foundation (Cassa Depositi e Prestiti). 

Born in 1973, Pasquale Salzano graduated in 1996 in law from the Federico II University of Naples, where he  subsequently collaborated with Prof. Benedetto Conforti at the chair of international law, earning a PhD in  international law at the University of Siena. In 2000, he passed the state exam to practice law (Avvocato). 

He began his diplomatic career in 1999 and held his first positions in Rome, at the Italian Ministry of Foreign  Affairs, within the Directorate General for European Integration. 

In 2001, he was Chief of Staff of the OSCE International Mission in Belgrade, and the following year opened  the Italian Diplomatic Mission in Pristina, Kosovo, now the Italian Embassy. 

In 2005, he worked in New York at the Permanent Representation of Italy to the United Nations where he  followed the Balkans dossier. 

In 2007, he returned to Rome to the Office of the Diplomatic Advisor of Palazzo Chigi (offices of the Italian  Prime Minister) where, in view of the Italian Presidency of the G8, he was appointed Head of the G8 Sherpa  Office. 

At the end of the Italian Presidency of the G8 in 2009, he was transferred to the OECD Secretariat in Paris to  take on the role of Director of the Heiligendamm / L’Aquila Process, a process of dialogue and involvement  of the main emerging economies on the major global challenges started in 2007 by G8 member countries. 

In 2011, he was seconded from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Eni as head of International Institutional  Relations and head of the Eni office in the United States. In 2014, he was appointed Senior Vice President  and subsequently joined the Eni Management Committee as Executive Vice President and Director of  Institutional and International Affairs. 

From April 2017 to December 2019, he was Ambassador of Italy to Qatar. 

Pasquale Salzano is a member of the Board of ASSONIME, the General Council of the ASPEN Institute Italy,  the Board of Directors of the European Council on Foreign Relations, ISPI, and IAI. In 2010, he was appointed  as a “Young Global Leader” by the World Economic Forum. 

He has attended postgraduate courses at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, the  Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale University, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies at the University of  Oxford and is the author of numerous publications on issues regarding energy and geopolitics. He oversaw  the course on gas geopolitics at the LUISS Business School in Rome. 

He speaks English, French and Spanish.

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Regina Corradini D’Arienzo

Regina Corradini D’Arienzo graduated in psychological sciences. She completed studies in business administration in Turin and followed a program in Executive Management in Corporate Investment Banking  at Bocconi University in Milan.

From 1990 to 2008 she held various positions at the San Paolo IMI bank (later Intesa Sanpaolo), up to the role of Head of Marketing and Commercial Service within the Corporate Division of the Banca dei Territori.

In 2008 she joined Banca Popolare di Novara, an institution of which she became Head of the Corporate Division in 2011 and subsequently took up the position of Head of the Corporate Division of the Banco Popolare holding.

In BNL from 2013, she first held the position of North West Corporate Territorial Director and – from 2016 – the position of Corporate Banking Director.

She have also held positions in some companies of the BNP Paribas Group: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bnl Leasing S.p.A., Deputy Chairman of Ifitalia S.p.A., Director of Arval Italia S.p.A.

She has been a member of Terna’s Board of Directors since May 2023.

Barbara Beltrame Giacomello


Federica Diamanti


Guido Grimaldi

Roberto Rati


Roberto Rio

Board of Statutory Auditors

Ugo Venanzio Gaspari

Franca Brusco

Paolo Cotini

Barbara Aloisi

Massimo Scarafuggi

Trade union supervisory body

Raffaele Squitieri

Mario Casellato

Manuela Sabbatini

Chief Executive Officer of the Court of Auditors

Stefania Petrucci

Management Team


Marco Bellocci


Valeria Borrelli


Lorenzo Berneri


Marco Cantalamessa


Vera Veri


Luca Di Marco


Marco Gaeta


Carolina Lonetti


Lisa Nocilla


Anna Laura Salvatori


SIMEST’s values

We are based on a value system deeply rooted in the people who work with us.